Health and Beauty
A recent study has shown that apart from many other things cigarettes tend
Credit: nosmokingday
to dull the taste buds as well. The finding on smoking hazards seems to add into the dampening the taste buds by a great deal. The researchers on this field used electrical stimulation to find out the points out general metallic taste that comes over the tongue as a coating with regular cigarette smoking. This actually decreases the taste sensitivity of an individual. There was a study of 28 smokers who scored much less on average as against the non-smokers.
Beauty Health Care
The researchers also used the endoscopy method to measure the shape as well as the shape of taste buds which seemed to have altered with continued effects of smoking. Smokers also developed flatter fungiform papillae which also constricted the blood flow to their tongue. This also hastened to act up on blocking the taste senses of the tongue.