Health and Beauty
How to care for your skin in winter?
Winter can be a very difficult month for the skin and care. Owing to excessive dryness in the atmosphere, the body loses a lot of moisture and becomes dry, dull and lifeless. These months are very difficult for people who have dry skin since the skin becomes excessively parched and rough. A good skin care regime is very important in winter.
One of the basic requirements is moisturizing. Hydration of the skin with the help of moisturizers is a great way to keep skin from splitting. For people with dry skin, fresh cream of milk is an excellent moisturizer. It can be applied before going to bed every day. People who have oily skin often tend to ignore moisturizing because their skin does not become parched. Moisturizing is important for all types of skin.
Protein nourishment treatments for the skin
In addition to moisturizing, nourishing is very important in winter. Application of egg white, honey, tea tree oil and low fat yoghurt are good as nourishing agents. You need to avoid too much of scrubbing during the winter months since the skin tends to lose the little available moisture. Scrubbing twice a month with a mild grained scrub is a good remedy. If you are looking for homemade remedies, you can try scrubbing with finely ground orange peel, chickpea powder or rice flour. Maple syrup is also a good moisturizer and nourishment agent. Its not just the face but skin all over the body that requires care in winters, especially feet since they tend to crack.
Beauty Health Care
How to care for your hair in winter?
Just like the skin, hair is also susceptible to damage in winter due to excesive dryness. You should avoid washing your hair without oiling it one hour prior to bath. This retails moisture and keeps hair from becoming too dry. In addition, you have to resist blow drying and ironing frequently. Whenever you wash your hair, be sure to use a conditioner that is cream based. The sun is especially harsh in winter and so, you have to use a hat or a scarf when you step out.
Food for the hair in winters
Egg is excellent for the hair in winters. Beat one whole egg thoroughly and apply to the scalp, preferably after steaming the scalp. Hot oil massages for the scalp with pure coconut oil is a great hair care routine in winter.